"Two weeks ago, I posted “Is Customer Experience a Missed Opportunity?” and shared CCW’s 2018 Market Survey. The report discussed the fact that many customer experience (CX) programs are failing to drive change. There were multiple takeaways; only 9% of programs said their primary use of journey maps was “to ‘orchestrate’ predictive and/or proactive engagement,” whereas 31% primarily used them “to fix ‘pain points’ in the experience.” This was one of many reasons CX hasn’t been having a strong impact in many organizations."
Customer complaints provide amazing feedback that allows a brand to reinvent itself, re-position itself and stay relevant, says Femi Adebanji, research head at the Service Excellence Institute. Research shows that only 4% of customers will complain following a bad experience, while 96% will not voice a complaint.
Furthermore, while customers might not voice a complaint following a bad service experience, 91% will not come back and would rather do business with competitors.