"Two weeks ago, I posted “Is Customer Experience a Missed Opportunity?” and shared CCW’s 2018 Market Survey. The report discussed the fact that many customer experience (CX) programs are failing to drive change. There were multiple takeaways; only 9% of programs said their primary use of journey maps was “to ‘orchestrate’ predictive and/or proactive engagement,” whereas 31% primarily used them “to fix ‘pain points’ in the experience.” This was one of many reasons CX hasn’t been having a strong impact in many organizations."
The coming year promises to be an exciting one in the world of artificial intelligence.
AI ToolsAI-driven technology is developing exponentially, enabling brands to get consumer feedback on a massive scale, without having to invest a great deal of time and money on the research. While it may be difficult for marketers to keep up with AI’s speedy evolution, it’s also vital. No brand wants to be left behind as competitors use technology to gain a deeper understanding of their stakeholders. It’s important for marketers to understand how to leverage new technology that uses AI to gather honest, meaningful, actionable consumer insights.
'Customer feedback is one of the best tools available for a business to grow. Not only does it help a business understand where it needs to improve to keep customers happy, but good feedback can influence a potential customer's purchase decision.
Despite this, many businesses don't have a proactive feedback gathering process. For some, it's because they are unsure how to manage this process without annoying customers. For others, it's fear that the feedback will be negative and difficult to fix! (If this is the case, read our blog on how to respond to feedback here.)
If you're not sure how you could be gathering feedback to start with, we've provided a few simple ways you can get your customers engaged below.'
Proactive engagement is an approach to customer support, where companies actively make the first move to understand their customers and sort their issues. Companies must keep reinventing their customer engagement strategy to stay competitive and profitable at the same time. Acquiring new customers or retaining old ones depends a lot on how you engage with your customers. A proactive customer engagement strategy creates a secure connection between a customer and a brand that gets strengthened over time, ensuring mutual value.