If you are reading this article, my guess is that you are already on board with customer feedback. You have recognised the value of having a strong feedback programme and you’re well aware of what it can do for your websites and mobile apps – as well as your brand as a whole. However, for you (and most other organisations), it’s not a question of whether you should start collecting and analysing customer feedback, but rather how to get your teams on board with the idea and contributing to the effort.
Customer feedback helps us business owners and marketers understand why our customers are doing what they’re doing and whether you’re able to keep them happy. By communicating directly with them, you can figure out why people are using one feature of your product 3x more than another feature (for example). Encouraging your customers to “give you a piece of their mind”—whether it’s critical or positive—also gives you opportunities to improve your business. If you have a few minutes, I’d like to share with you a few ways for helping your customers feel more comfortable to share their opinions and feedback with you.
Business owners are often tasked with managing countless customer requests. They should also be keenly aware that they need not allow their business plans to be driven solely by these requests — or at least not by requests which they haven’t done their due diligence on. So, if you are a business owner wondering how to deal with the constant stream of customer requests and feedback, this one is for you.
What is the role of customer feedback in formulating your business strategies and how do you transform qualitative customer requests into actionable data to inform business decisions? How do you know which requests to act on, which ones are high-priority and which ones to simply ignore?
'Businesses can learn some valuable customer service lessons from MoviePass, especially when it comes to communicating changes to the end-user experience. We asked a panel of Forbes Communications Council members to share their best tips for transparently and authentically announcing company or product changes with customers. Here's what they had to say.'
Building customer-centered culture is the key to surviving the modern business environment. The customer’s voice must be built into every meeting, business review and decision. Maintaining a relationship with your customers and monitoring their current needs and concerns through social media as well as more traditional forms of communication is key.