How do you elicit specific, constructive, targeted feedback from the public in order to improve your website? These seven techniques, when implemented properly, will give you the constructive feedback you need to make your website the best it can be
Having your customers to leave you reviews online seems like a no-brainer. But what's difficult is actually getting those reviews. The reviews wont happen unless you ask your customers to review you. The key here is to ask at different times, in different ways until you find one that works.
Here are some creative ways you can encourage users to post reviews on your online profiles.
Website intercept surveys can sound like a complicated technical tool, but they’re really nothing more than the website pop-ups you encounter. When done well, these surveys can help website visitors easily offer feedback on their experience.
There’s no doubt that you “know” your product the best. You work with it day in and day out. And that depth of knowledge makes you the expert on your offerings. But it also puts up blinder, So unless you want to live in an echo chamber, you need outside feedback to address existing shortcomings and shape your future strategy.
Here are 20 different customer journey mapping tools that will help you create customer journey maps that both fit your needs as well as your budget!
Whatever type of website reviews and ratings system you use, what is undeniable from the statistics is that if you generate reviews to place on your site they will both draw in new surfers as well as increase sales.
There are pros and cons to product reviews, not only for shoppers but also for e-commerce businesses. Here are a few...
You already know customer feedback is critical to improving your business, but how do you keep the process manageably simple?
The feedback you gather will only be as good as the questions you ask.
For many businesses a website is a lead generation tool. However, although a lot of thought is put into the website itself, very little is put into the gathering of the leads that result from the website.