When designing your website, keeping feedback in mind will significantly improve user experience. Think about every element of every page and ask yourself, “Does what I expect to happen, happen? When I do this, how can I be sure I’m doing it right? Will the website let me know if I can do this or if I did it correctly?”.
Surveying your customers regularly and in a variety of ways is a critical part of running a successful business, regardless of your industry, product or service. Surveys measure satisfaction — or dissatisfaction — with your offerings, determine critical needs and offer an opportunity to effectively communicate and build truly personal relationships with your customers.
Website intercept surveys can increase your feedback response rates by upwards of 60%. Collecting customer feedback is critical because it’s the cornerstone of a successful online business. Without customers, there is no business.
According to the Harvard Business Review, online peer-to-peer reviews are powerful because they give customers a good sense of what it’s like to use your goods or services. Small-business owners can tout their services, but customers are more likely to believe other customers.
Whether you’re trying to improve the customer experience on your website or learn more about your site visitors, the quickest way to get the feedback you need is by hosting your surveys directly in your website.
Website surveys are a popular method of collecting feedback that allows you to ask your visitors questions and collect their feedback. The key to a successful survey is asking the right questions in the right moment – then visitors are more likely to participate and share their thoughts. If you don’t know what question to ask, take a look at this list of 20 website survey questions