Are your customers happy?
If you don’t know for sure, guessing is not the next best thing. According to a 2017 study by the folks at American Express, a person from the U.S. is going to tell an average of 15 people about a bad customer service experience.
Even worse, research by thinkJar’s CEO, Esteban Kolsky, found that only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain. The rest will just leave..
Gamers are an opinionated bunch, and rightfully so — the experience of playing a certain video game will be different for every player, and based on what can be seen around the web, every player wants his or her voice to be heard. Fortunately for them, Nintendo has implemented a new system that will allow fans to post reviews for Nintendo Switch games on the company's own website.
Whatever type of website reviews and ratings system you use, what is undeniable from the statistics is that if you generate reviews to place on your site they will both draw in new surfers as well as increase sales.