Getting your customers to review your product is a powerful strategy that should never be ignored or underestimated. It really matters what people are saying about your business so you can use this opportunity to establish a strong reputation for your brand.
Customer reviews are powerful pieces of social proof that convince your prospects to buy and look at you as someone they can trust.
Gamers are an opinionated bunch, and rightfully so — the experience of playing a certain video game will be different for every player, and based on what can be seen around the web, every player wants his or her voice to be heard. Fortunately for them, Nintendo has implemented a new system that will allow fans to post reviews for Nintendo Switch games on the company's own website.
Happy, satisfied customers become the repeat buyers who keep your business alive and well. They also bring new customers your way. American Express noted that one satisfied customer can equal up to nine referrals.
Still not convinced? Let’s look at five more reasons you should constantly monitor and improve your customer satisfaction metrics.
A business is a multiplicative system, which means you have to get every single factor right, in order for the business to succeed and getting one simple thing such as reviews wrong is enough to put your business to rest.
Read on for the best ways to get more reviews for your eCommerce store.
Annoyingly though, customers generally can’t be bothered to leave their feedback. As such you need to find ways of encouraging your customers to leave their feedback without coming across as desperate.
here are 10 tips to help you drive up the number of reviews on your site...